The Bike Experience

Testimonials from those who have been to a TBE ....
“When I arrived here this morning and saw those motorbikes, I nearly turned around and went home, it was quite terrifying, I was just ‘OH NO!’.The first time sitting back on a bike and going - TERRIFYING, and then I went off in a mad direction. If someone had asked me six months ago: Can you ever get back on a motorbike? I would have said NO. But now I know I can, it’s fine, it’s easy, and if I can ride a motorbike I can fly, and suddenly there’s a whole world out there I can go and do. That’s why I’m pleased, because it has given me some life back.”
(Client has left arm brachial plexus injury - no use of the left arm)
Hi Talan. Today was quite simply FANTASTIC! I thoroughly enjoyed the day and surpassed what I thought I was capable of on my first time back on a bike. Learned loads from Will, he was great and the all the volunteers were very generous with their time and assistance. It’s hard to put it into words, but, I’m smiling inside and out! Thank you.
(Client is paraplegic)
The Bike Experience has changed my life. I was talking to Sue Wilson about bikes and I said I would love to ride one again, I thought no more of it until I woke next morning to find all this information about The Bike Experience (TBE). I was in a wheelchair then, I have a terminal illness called ‘multiple system atrophy’. I’d let my disease rule my life and I had given up on life.
Then one beautiful July morning I was taken to silverstone to see the TBE. Well, it was like taking a child to a sweet shop, but these sweets were Aprilia Mana 850's. I didn't expect to ride day, but I did, and it changed my life. My head was free and clear of everything, just me and a bike again. I went again in September to Silverstone, I wanted to live again and TBE gave me hope, courage and a positive mental attitude. I stopped my disease from controlling my life and started living again, I have never looked back since riding again.
In October instead of arriving in my wheelchair I walked in using a stick, and nobody really recognised me. The DVLA revoked my license last April but I now have it back for another year. If it wasn't for my family, my friends and The Bike Experience I would hate to think where I would be now. I now have my own bike again a Suzuki GSXR 1000, I have got to thank my family ,my friends and The Bike Experience for all your help and support and trust you have given me over the last few months. I look forward to every day now instead of hating everyday. Keep up the fantastic work TBE.
(Client is still enjoying his active life)
The best day. So good to c u all and be back on the bike as well. It has made a massive difference to Kunal and given him back something magical in his life Ty so much . So pleased this day came xx
(wife of client who has brain injury)